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Head Lice Treatment 200ml

Head Lice Treatment 200ml



Enough liquid gold to do both treatments on short hair or fine hair above the shoulder.



    Apply only to dry hair, it is important that every strand of hair is coated with solution.

    • Part hair down the middle and fasten into two sections using a clip of hair tie. 
    • Apply the solution down the middle part and also around the perimiter of the head. 
    • Starting from the base of the neck, work your way to the top of the crown, in 1cm sections, applying the solution to the scalp and wiping down.
    • Once you have reached the crown, comb the solution through to the ends.
    • You will need to apply more product to ensure to ensure every strand of hair is coated. you want the hair to be dripping.
    • Wrap hair in a towel and leave for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse thoroughly and apply the Lavender Scalp repair conditioner. Rinse conditioner leaving a small amount behind to enable the lice comb to easily glide through the hair.
    • Comb through in 1cm sections to remove any dead bugs and eggs.
    • CALL or SMS us on 1800HEADLICE if you need anything. 

    REPEAT 10 DAYS LATER (not 7)

    The life cycle of a viable egg is 7-9 days therefore by treating on day 10 you will ensure you have broken the current cycle.

    Wash all bedding, place brushes, combs & hair accessories in the freezer overnight.  Spray Alcohol spray on childrens carseats, bike helmets and any item that has been on the head within the last 24 hours.  

The Halo Clinic 

Ph: 1800headlice (1800 432 454)   
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